About The CSCB Board


The Colorado State Conservation Board (CSCB):

  • Acts as a state board of appeals for the 74 conservation districts.
  • Administers and disburses funds for the purpose of assisting the districts.
  • Acts in an advisory capacity with the districts.
  • Coordinates the programs of all districts.
  • Undertakes studies of watershed planning.
  • Develops, implements, and administers watershed flood prevention and underground water storage projects.
  • Distributes grants, services, and materials for conservation purposes.

Colorado State Conservation Board Members

Brian Neufeld
Rio Grande Watershed
Tammy Ridennoure
Lower Arkansas River Watershed
Maggie Hanna
Upper Arkansas River Watershed
Marc Etchart
White-Yampa and North Platte River Watersheds
Quint Redmond
Upper South Platte River Watershed
Raymond Langstaff
Colorado, Gunnison, and Dolores River Watersheds
Margaret Lenz
Republican and Lower South Platte River Watersheds
Alysen Tarrant
San Juan River Basin Watershed
R. Emmett Jordan
Governor's Appointee

Advisory Members

Kate Greenberg
Commissioner of Agriculture
Colorado Department of Agriculture
Dan Gibbs
Executive Director
Colorado Department of Natural Resources
Dr. James Pritchett
Dean and Director of the Agriculture Experiment Station
College of Agricultural Sciences
Colorado State University
Dr. Blake Naughton
Vice President for Engagement and Extension
CSU Extension


CSCB Board Information

CSCB Board Meeting Minutes

Please contact cda_cscb@state.co.us to request minutes.

Conservation District Reference Manual

Conservation District Reference Manual