The NextGen Ag Leadership Grant Program provides grants to organizations and educational institutions to support educational, training, and leadership development opportunities for Colorado’s emerging food and agriculture leaders.
To qualify for NextGen grants, proposals must support Coloradans’ careers in food and agriculture and prepare them to become industry leaders.
Colorado’s food and agriculture industry is broad and diverse. This program is geared toward not only farmers and ranchers, but also people trained in the biosciences, nutrition, meat science, veterinary science, agronomy, soil health and conservation, engineering, food safety, technology, product development, marketing, and logistics.
Who Can Apply?
Grant applications may be submitted by any organization or educational institution serving Colorado’s emerging food and agriculture leaders. The grant application must address one or more of the following program priorities:
- Develop individual leadership and/or entrepreneurial skills. Examples might include established leadership and training programs.
- Enhance organizational leadership and capacity building. Examples might include organizations seeking to develop leaders internally.
- Create educational and/or training opportunities. Examples might include nonprofits providing educational programming, conferences looking to offer scholarships, or community colleges offering financial aid to students in food and agriculture programs.
Creative and innovative ideas that fit within these priorities are encouraged. Grants will not be awarded to individuals.
2025 Schedule
Monday, March 31, 2025 – Grant application opens.
Wednesday, April 9, 2025 – Informational webinar at 1 pm MT
Friday, April 25, 2025 – Grant application closes. Applications due by 5 pm MT.
April 28 - May 30, 2025 – Application review and approval period
Week of June 2, 2025 – Notices sent to applicants.
July 1, 2025 – Earliest start date for NextGen projects (contingent on contracting)
June 30, 2026 – Latest end date for NextGen projects
CDA may deviate from this anticipated schedule as needed and without notice.
Application & Review Process
Any organization or educational institution can submit an application for a grant if their proposal addresses one or more of the program priorities listed above.
Applicants will be asked to provide information about the entity applying, a project description and timeline, and a detailed project budget. The application also asks about the specific outcomes that the proposal aims to achieve.
A cross-divisional team at CDA will review the applications and recommend a set of projects to receive funding.
Applications will be scored against key criteria, including:
- The degree to which the proposal focuses on educational, training, and/or leadership development opportunities for emerging food and agriculture leaders; and
- The expected impact of the proposal (e.g., the number of people supported, underserved groups served).
Newer or innovative initiatives will receive special consideration.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When will the grant application reopen?
A: These grants are awarded annually. The application period opens each spring (typically in late March or early April).
Q: What is the deadline to spend the award money?
A: This program runs on the state fiscal year: July 1 to June 30 of the following year. Projects, other than scholarship projects, must be completed by June 30 of the year following the award. Scholarship projects must be completed no later than September 30 of the year following the award.
Q: Are organizations outside of Colorado allowed to apply?
A: Yes, any organization may apply. However, projects must be for the benefit of Coloradans and Colorado’s food and agriculture industries.
Q: What criteria should educational institutions use to select student scholarship recipients?
A: Acceptable criteria include factors such as financial need, whether the scholarship is the difference between the student enrolling or not, and whether the recipient belongs to an underserved group. It is the responsibility of the educational institution to propose criteria it believes most beneficial to supporting Colorado’s emerging food and agriculture leaders.
Past Grant Recipients
Acequia Institute
Colorado Agricultural Leadership Program
Colorado Grain Chain
Colorado Potato Administrative Committee (2 Awards)
Colorado State University
Fort Lewis College
Four Corners Food Coalition
Front Line Farming
Growing Gardens of Boulder County
Quivira Coalition
Rocky Mountain Farmers Union
Western Colorado Alliance
Colorado State University
Ekar Farm
Four Corners Food Coalition
Guidestone Colorado
The STEAD School
UpRoot Colorado
Colorado 4-H
Colorado Agricultural Leadership Program
Colorado Corn Promotion Council
Colorado Farmers Market Association
Colorado Foundation for Agriculture
Colorado Future Farmers of America (2 Awards)
Colorado Potato Administrative Committee
Colorado State University
Douglas County High School
Fort Lewis College
Guidestone Colorado
Larimer County Conservation District
Living Earth Agriculture Foundation
Mountain Roots Food Project
Quivira Coalition
San Luis Valley Local Food Coalition
Yampa Valley Community Foundation
Colorado 4-H
Colorado Future Farmers of America
Contact Us
Colorado Department of Agriculture
Markets Division
305 Interlocken Parkway
Broomfield, CO 80021