Contact Us - Brands

Brand Office
305 Interlocken Parkway, Broomfield CO 80021
Phone: (303) 869-9160
Fax: (303) 466-1429

Todd Inglee, Brand Commissioner 

Karen Lover, Brand Recorder 
karen.lover@state.co.us | 303-869-9167

Ginny Corkery, Accounting Tech
ginny.corkery@state.co.us | 303-869-9166

Diane Fultz, Admin. Assistant 
diane.fultz@state.co.us | 303-869-9161

Rebekah Cloyed, Admin Assistant
rebekah.cloyed@state.co.us | 303-869-9163

Shani Rodriguez, Admin Assistant
shani.rodriguez@state.co.us | 303-869-9168

Glenda Harper, Admin. Assistant 
glenda.harper@state.co.us |303-869-9162

Deb Vernon, E-Cert Coordinator/Brand Supervisor 


Brand Inspection Offices

Brush Brand Office 970-842-2295

Ft. Collins Brand Office 970-490-1764

Greeley Brand Office 970-352-8622

La Junta Brand Office 719-384-2412



Adams County

Scot Dutcher 303-250-1558 - Northern Adams County including Brighton, Henderson and Commerce City

Shane Schvaneveldt 720-545-4604

Alamosa County
Devin Romero 719-936-5400
Twyne Regester 970-769-3253
Byron Shawcroft 719-298-2893

Arapahoe County

Dan Moody 303-503-1848

Scot Dutcher 303-250-1558

Archuleta County

Wes Lewis 970-759-8499
Chad Moore 970-442-1213
Alvin Schaaf 970-946-1701

Baca County

Kyle Sharpe 719-361-0003

Bent County

Danny Senor 719-688-1682

Ty Weber 719-829-1861

Boulder County

Chris Mace 720-296-4044 

Broomfield County

Shane Schvaneveldt 720-545-4604

Chaffee County

Colby Stone 719-426-8231

Brice Lewis 719-221-2071

Cheyenne County

Shane Rider 719-401-8645

Jay Anderson 719-283-4626  

Danny Senor 719-688-1682

Ty Weber 719-829-1861

Marc Hollenbaugh 719-924-3548

Clear Creek County

Shane Schvaneveldt 720-545-4604

Conejos County

Devin Romero 719-936-5400

Twyne Regester 970-769-3253

Byron Shawcroft 719-298-2893

Costilla County

Devin Romero 719-936-5400

Twyne Regester 970-769-3253

Byron Shawcroft 719-298-2893

Crowley County

La Junta inspectors 719-384-2412

Custer County

Blair Sciumbato 719-429-3147


Delta County

AJ Roberts 970-632-0768

Garrett Odle 970-628-5250

Denver County

Shane Schvaneveldt 720-545-4604 (West)

Scot Dutcher 303-250-1558 (North  East)

Dolores County

Jason Blackmer 970-394-5029

Ryan Montroy 970-759-9639

Douglas County

Shane Schvaneveldt 720-545-4604 (Northernmost Part)

Dan Moody 303-503-1848 (Most of Douglas County)

Eagle County

Lacey Bair 970-309-8230

Casey Griffith 970-987-3359

El Paso County

Terry Short 720-925-8279 (North of Judge Orr Rd, including Black Forest, Monument, Peyton, Calhan)

Charles Saunders 719-659-8223 (South of Judge Orr Rd, including the Springs, Fountain, Ellicott)

Cassidy Noe 719-332-8199

Elbert County

Terry Short 720-925-8279

Marc Hollenbaugh 719-924-3548 (South and East Only)

Cassidy Noe 719-332-8199

Fremont County

Blair Sciumbato 719-429-3147

Garfield County

Casey Griffith 970-987-3359

Wes Jones 970-263-0071 (Highway 139/Douglas Pass Area)

Lacey Bair 970-309-8230

Gilpin County

Shane Schvaneveldt 720-545-4604

Grand County

Joe Schalnus 970-638-1097


Gunnison County

Lonny Boyd 970-596-5976

Steve Seely 970-623-0864 (Cimarron Area)

Hinsdale County

Lonny Boyd 970-596-5976

Wes Lewis 970-759-8499 (Southern)

Chad Moore 970-442-1213 (Southern)

Alvin Schaff 970-946-1701 (Southern)

Huerfano County

Dirk Davis 719-680-1479

Jackson County

Brian Anderson 970-568-6960

Jefferson County

Shane Schvaneveldt 720-545-4604

Kiowa County

Danny Senor 719-688-1682

Ty Weber 719-829-1861

Marc Hollenbaugh 719-924-3548

Kit Carson County

Shane Rider 719-401-8645

Jay Anderson 719-283-4626 

La Plata County

Chad Moore 970-442-1213

Alvin Schaff 970-946-1701

Lake County

Colby Stone 719-426-8231

Brice Lewis 719-221-2071

Larimer County

Chris Mace 720-296-4044 (Estes Park)

Brian Anderson 970-568-6960 (Walden)

Jesse Phillips 970-490-1764 (Berthoud/Loveland)

Nicole Taylor 970-218-0420 (Wellington/Redfeather/Livermore)

Brenna DeGeer  970-219-7400 (Fort Collins/Laport/Bellevue)

Las Animas County

Dirk Davis 719-680-1479

Lincoln County

Marc Hollenbaugh 719-924-3548

Shane Rider 719-401-8645

Jay Anderson 719-283-4626  

Logan County

Jay Groom 970-571-4156

Clay Nab 303-551-3857

Thomas Mackey 970-571-4457

Mesa County

Wes Jones 970-263-0071

Josh Sinks 970-712-1905

Casey Griffith 970-987-3359 (DeBeque Area)

Mineral County

Chad Moore 970-442-1213 (West of the Divide)

Devin Romero 719-936-5400

Twyne Regester 970-769-3253

Byron Shawcroft 719-298-2893

Moffat County

Brad Ocker 970-824-6676

Mike Lopez 970-574-7072 (Southernmost Part)

Josh Nicklas 970-617-3767 (Southernmost Part)

Montezuma County

Jason Blackmer 970-394-5029

Ryan Montroy 970-759-9639


Montrose County

Steve Seely 970-623-0864

Morgan County

Brush Inspectors 970-842-2295

Otero County

La Junta inspectors 719-384-2412

Ouray County

Steve Seely 970-623-0864

Josh Sinks 970-712-1905

Park County

Shane Schvaneveldt 720-545-4604

Colby Stone 719-426-8231

Brice Lewis 719-221-2071

Phillips County

Jay Groom 970-571-4156

Clay Nab 303-551-3857

Matt Linman 970-630-3885

Pitkin County

Casey Griffith 970-987-3359

Lonny Boyd 970-596-5976

Lacey Bair 970-309-8230

Prowers County

Danny Senor 719-688-1682

Ty Weber 719-688-1700

Pueblo County

Zach Kuhn 719-225-0137

Deb Vernon 719-225-3005

Cassidy Noe 719-332-8199

Rio Blanco County

Mike Lopez 970-574-7072

Josh Nicklas 970-617-3767


Rio Grande County

Devin Romero 719-936-5400

Twyne Regester 970-769-3253

Byron Shawcroft 719-298-2893

Routt County

Joe Schalnus 970-638-1097


Saguache County

Lonny Boyd 970-596-5976

San Juan County

Chad Moore 970-442-1213

San Miguel County

Steve Seely 970-623-0864

Josh Sinks 970-712-1905

Sedgwick County

Clay Nab 303-551-3857

Jay Groom 970-571-4156

Thomas Mackey 970-571-4457

Summit County

Joe Schalnus 970-638-1097


Teller County

Colby Stone 719-426-8231

Washington County

Matt Linman 970-630-3885 (Eastern Quarter - Otis East)

Pat McGinnis 970-571-5453 (Eastern Quarter - Cope)

Brush Inspectors 970-842-2295

Weld County

Greeley Inspectors 970-352-8622

Shane Schvaneveldt 720-545-4604

Scot Dutcher 303-250-1558 - Southern Weld Co., South of Hwy 52 and East of I-25 to Keenesburg and Prospect Valley

Chris Mace 720-296-4044 (Erie, Dacono, Fredrick and Firestone)

Yuma County

Matt Linman 970-630-3885

Pat McGinnis 970-571-5453