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Fruit and Vegetable Section

This program provides a quality inspection service to the produce industry of Colorado. Peaches, apples, potatoes, sweet corn, onions, broccoli and lettuce as well as other products are inspected by this service. The inspection service ensures the shipment of high quality fruits and vegetables and enhances Colorado's reputation as a supplier of superior produce.

Brian Pauley

Section Chief

The Fruit & Vegetable Inspection Service works under cooperative agreement with the United States Department of Agriculture to perform mandatory and non-mandatory inspections in conjunction with state statute, and upon request. These inspections determine grade, size, and quality on more than 2.1 billion pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables, annually. The management office in Monte Vista annually processes more than 10,000 statewide requests for shipping point and destination market inspections, utilizing up to 46 inspectors during peak shipments, which occur from September through June.

Inspection of fruits and vegetables provides protection to the consumer as well as the agricultural industry by assuring that the commodities inspected meet stringent quality guidelines prior to shipment. The Inspection Service, to facilitate trade between producer/shipper and wholesale/retail marketers, provides unbiased documentation of size, quality, and condition of fruit and vegetables using internationally recognized USDA grade standards.

This section is also involved with the Good Agricultural Practices/Good Handling Practices Audit Verification Program. This service is an audit based verification program developed to help the U.S. produce industry minimize microbial food safety hazards. This program's personnel review a participating company's facility and agronomic practices, along with its documented procedures, to help determine if Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and Good Handling Practices (GHP) are maintained.

Contact Information

Brian Pauley
Monte Vista Office
Colorado Department of Agriculture
Fruit & Vegetable Section
P.O. Box 407
Monte Vista, CO 81144

Phone: (719) 852-4749
Fax: (719) 852-4319

Federal-State Office (Denver)
Dave Henderson, Inspector
Phone: (303) 618-6553
Fax: (303) 480-9236

Quick Links

Fruit and Vegetable Act

Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and Good Handling Practices (GHP)

List of Participating Companies in the Fresh Produce Audit Verification Program

USDA Fruit & Vegetable Market News