Wolf Info and Resource Links

The Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) provides the following links to existing wolf resources and information as a service to Colorado’s farmers and ranchers. Feedback from the agricultural community is always welcome. CDA staff regularly participate in numerous wolf-related group meetings to stay apprised of new developments. 

For more information please contact Dustin Shiflett, Non-lethal Conflict Reduction Program Manager.


Photo by Brianna R from Unsplash 

A wolf stands in the woods

Non-lethal Wolf Conflict Reduction Grant Program

CDA is working to help producers implement non-lethal wolf conflict reduction measures. The 2024 grant cycle is no longer accepting applications. As funding becomes available, this page will be updated.


Learn about the Non-lethal Wolf Conflict Reduction Grants 


Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) Wolf Information

CPW's Wolf-Livestock Conflict Minimization Program Guide

People & Predators (CSU Extension)

Reducing Conflict with Grizzly Bears, Wolves, and Elk (A Western Landowners’ Guide)

Wolves on the Landscape - A Hands-on Resource Guide to Reduce Depredations (Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, People and Carnivores, Wildlife Conservation Society)

Non-lethal predator conflict mitigation tools

Understanding available tools

CDA is conducting meetings across Colorado to help producers understand the non-lethal tools and deterrents available to them through the state. 

These meetings will include informational sessions on wolves and non-lethal predator deterrent methods as well as trainings on how to deploy different tools and techniques. The meetings are held in partnership with Colorado Parks and Wildlife, USDA-APHIS Wildlife Services, and CSU Extension. 

Meetings will include presentations on the following topics: 

  • Wolf 101 (scat/track, patterns, habituation, etc.) 
  • Investigation, Necropsy and Site Assessments
  • Potential Funding Sources for Producers
  • Depredation Compensation Program 
  • Carcass Management 
  • Range Riding and Hazing
  • Fladry, Foxlights, Scare Devices, etc. 
  • Livestock Protection Dogs and Support Group
  • Potential of Drone Use and Ongoing WS Research

For more information about the specific trainings, please reach out to Dustin Shiflett

Upcoming meetings

CDA partnered with Colorado Parks and Wildlife, USDA-APHIS Wildlife Services, and CSU Extension for a series of workshops across western Colorado counties to educate producers about the non-lethal mitigation tools available through the state. 

No upcoming meetings are scheduled at this time. To request a training, please contact Dustin Shiflett, Non-lethal Conflict Reduction Program Manager. 

Past workshops:

  • October 22 - Craig, Moffat County
  • October 23 - Steamboat Springs, Routt County
  • November 4 - Meeker, Rio Blanco County
  • November 5 - Glenwood Springs, Garfield County
  • December 11 - Gunnison, Gunnison County
  • December 12 - Eagle, Eagle County
  • December 19 - Aspen, Pitkin County
  • January 30 - Glenwood Springs (range rider training)
  • February 12 - Buena Vista

Carcass Management Best Practices

Animal carcasses can be attractants that lure in predators. Take a look at the Carcass Management Best Practices for Reducing Livestock Depredation flyer to learn how landowners can reduce interactions with predators.