Blockchain for Agriculture

A new tool to help Colorado's producers grow

Agriculture is a pillar of our economy, and the State of Colorado is invested in seeing our producers grow. Blockchain is an emerging technology that may revolutionize the agricultural supply chain. In accordance with House Bill 22-1053,  the Colorado Department of Agriculture has developed this online program to educate agricultural producers about blockchain technology. These short videos are designed to help address producers' general questions and concerns about this emerging technology.  

Through these educational videos, producers can learn the basics of blockchain technology and how it can be used to increase operational efficiency, access to capital, consumer demand, and profitability. CDA encourages producers who are interested in learning more about this emerging technology to contact industry professionals who can provide more specific details about incorporating blockchain technology into their operations.  

CDA does not endorse or promote using blockchain technology, nor any of the companies included in the videos below. These videos are provided as informational resources for producers. For more information, please scroll down to the resource list below the videos.  

Blockchain for Agriculture Videos

  • Part 1 - What is blockchain? Get a handle on the basics of this emerging technology in agriculture.
  • Part 2 - Learn about consumer demand for information and the premium they’ll pay for traceable products.
  • Part 3 - Learn how cattle producers leverage blockchain’s traceability when working with banks and buyers.
  • Part 4 - Learn how the grain industry utilizes blockchain technology to share data throughout the supply chain.
Blockchain for Agriculture: Educational videos about the basics of blockchain technology
What's Next

If you would like to learn more about blockchain technology, below are additional external resources with more information. 
