Equine Welfare Assistance Grants

About the Grants

The Division of Animal Welfare is establishing a new Equine Welfare Assistance Grant to fund projects that advance the wellbeing of Colorado’s domestic equine population.

With this grant opportunity, the division will broadly focus on awarding grants in the following categories:

  • Education and outreach 
  • Emergency care and veterinary services
  • Shelter support

Applications for the grant will be available in the fall of 2024 and selection will be made before the end of the calendar year. 

This grant program is funded through HB24-1458, which provided $200,000 for Fiscal Year 2024-25, with additional funding through FY 26-27. 

Stakeholder Survey 

To establish this grant, CDA is seeking stakeholder feedback to help identify:

  • Critical issues this grant program could best address
  • Priorities that will make the greatest impact in advancing equine welfare
  • Best eligibility criteria for potential applicants

Take the Equine Welfare Grants survey

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