Scroll down for:
- National Preparedness Goal
- CO Secure Food Supply Plan
- Ag Disaster Relief and Recovery Webinar Recording
- Colorado's Cybersecurity Campaign
- CDA's Agriculture Emergency Management Team
Be Prepared!
All disasters begin and end locally. While help may be on the way, ensure you have taken precautions to safeguard you, your family and your agricultural enterprise. Make an emergency plan and prepare a response kit.
Find tips and helpful information to prepare for the arctic cold front by going to and CSU Extension Severe Cold Weather Rangeland and Livestock Considerations.

National Preparedness
Review the National Preparedness Goal from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Second Edition, September 2015
Read the National Preparedness Report from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), December 2023
Ag Disaster Relief and Recovery Webinar
Agricultural associations and partners talk with experts about the elements of emergency programs and disaster relief at the state and national levels.
This webinar aims to increase awareness and equip producers and associations with the information about state and federal funding programs that could be available when disasters strike our agricultural communities.
Cybersecurity Campaign
Colorado Farmers, Ranchers, and Producers: Like a tornado, a cyberattack can be destructive.
Be prepared by doing a vulnerability assessment. Get a free personalized consultation with a cybersecurity expert.
Contact CISA
Kindra Brewer
Cybersecurity Advisor, Region 8 Colorado
(719) 281-5605 |
or contact CDA's Agriculture Emergency Management Team.
Cybersecurity on the CDA Blog

Colorado Secure Food Supply (SFS) Plan
Highly contagious foreign animal diseases (FADs) are caused by viruses that can spread easily through animal contact. They affect a wide range of food animal species, including cattle, sheep, poultry, and swine.
These diseases include Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI), Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD), African Swine Fever (ASF), and Classical Swine Fever (CSF).
If one or more cases of an FAD are identified that affects the state of Colorado, the State Veterinarian's Office will enact movement restrictions for susceptible live animals and animal products and establish quarantines within Control Areas (as defined in the Foreign Animal Disease Response Plan). Movement of susceptible live animals and animal products will be resumed under the guidance from the Colorado Secure Food Supply Plan, once that movement can be managed safely.
You can learn more about The Colorado Secure Food Supply (SFS) Plan here.

Agriculture Emergency Management Team
Dan Frazen
Agriculture Emergency Coordinator
Phone: (303) 869-9143
Jerry Casebolt
Agriculture Emergency Specialist - Southern Colorado
Phone: (303) 263-2407
The CDA Agriculture Emergency Management Team:
- Leads Emergency Support Function (ESF)-11 Agriculture and Natural Resources for the State of Colorado
- Provides emergency management, safety, and business continuity expertise for all nine (9) divisions in the CDA
- Supports farmers, ranchers, producers, local emergency management, CSU Extension, and ag associations in all phases of emergency management and for critical infrastructure protection
- Leads and coordinates response and recovery operations when disaster impacts Colorado agriculture