Welcome to the Colorado Department of Agriculture's Pesticide Applicator Search page.
Businesses holding a License or Registration or individuals with a Qualified Supervisor, Certified Operator or a Private Applicator License can now be verified online.
There are two search tabs below
- Applicator: will search for Qualified Supervisors, Certified Operators and Private Applicators Licenses
- Business: will search for Commercial Applicators Licenses, and Limited Commercial and Public Applicator Registrations
Please note that the filters are additive: if you fill multiple fields, the search will return all applicators that match ALL of the search terms.
For the "Category" and "County" fields, you can search multiples by holding down the "Control" key on your keyboard and clicking on multiple categories or counties.
This search will only produce current valid licenses or registrations, expired licenses will not show in the results.
If you are having issues searching, please try putting in fewer search terms and leaving the others blank. For example, start by just entering only an Applicator ID or only a Last Name and leaving the remaining fields empty.

Questions? Contact:
Commercial Applicator: commercialapplicator@state.co.us
QS/CO: pesticidesprogram@state.co.us
Private Applicator: privateapplicator@state.co.us