Community Food Access Program

The Community Food Access Program was established in spring of 2022 in House Bill 1380 “to improve access to and lower prices for healthy foods in low-income and underserved areas of the state by supporting small food retailers."

The program includes a Community Food Consortium for small food retailers and Colorado-owned and Colorado-operated farms as well as the Small Food Business Recovery and Resilience grant program.

In 2023, the Community Food Access program was expanded to include refundable tax credits for small food retailers and small family farms who make costly equipment purchases or incur delivery or distribution fees to increase access to healthy food in low income and underserved areas of Colorado.

The Community Food Access Program is funded in part by State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds.

Colorful produce section inside a Carniceria


The Community Food Access Tax Credit program will host an information session in English on Friday September 27th at 12 pm, and in Spanish on October 1 at 1 pm. Register on our web page.

Sign up for the newsletter to be notified about the launch of the Community Food Consortium. 


Coming soon:

  • Consortium Membership Information & Benefits

Mickey Davis and Adonai Cuevas photographed in a storefront.

Questions about the program? 

We're here to help. 

Please send a message to cda_cfa@state.co.us or call 303.869.9067 to talk to our team.

Mickey Davis, Program Manager
Email: mickey.davis@state.co.us
Phone: 720-653-0654

Adonai Cuevas-Lopez, Grants Specialist
Fluent in English and Spanish
Email: adonai.cuevas-lopez@state.co.us
Phone: 720-417-9376