Press Release

Hearty Beef Lasagna: January Colorado Proud Recipe of the Month

Winter on the ranch presents challenges and tasks that require a lot of hard work and plenty of resilience. With the ground often frozen and covered in snow, ranchers brave the cold to care for livestock, ensuring animals have adequate food and water. Whether you are spending your days with activities such as breaking ice on water troughs, feeding hay to cattle, and preparing for the upcoming calving season, or you are enjoying any of Colorado’s other winter offerings for fun, this lasagna will replenish your energy and prepare you to do it all again tomorrow. 

Final Phase of Colorado’s Cage-Free Egg Law Starts Tomorrow

Starting tomorrow, January 1, 2025, the final phase of Colorado’s cage-free egg law goes into full effect. Both retailers and egg producers have been preparing to comply with the cage-fee egg requirements since the state law passed in 2020. Those eggs will be labeled with “CO-COM,” “organic,” or “cage-free” on their package.

Ag Behavioral Health Work Group Sets Ongoing Meeting Schedule

The Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) has convened the first Ag Behavioral Work Group Meeting to kick off the partnership between CDA, the Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), and the Behavioral Health Administration (BHA) that will help improve access to mental and behavioral health resources in rural communities across Colorado. The Ag Behavioral Health Work Group met on December 9 and their next meeting is scheduled for January 28 at 1 pm online.  

Ten Projects Selected for First Equine Welfare Assistance Support

The Colorado Department of Agriculture’s Division of Animal Welfare has selected ten applicants to receive a total of $200,000 to help improve the well-being of Colorado’s domestic horses. During the competitive grant process, a panel consisting of horse experts reviewed more than 30 applications requesting more than $1M in funding, and selected projects that would have the greatest impact on domestic equine welfare.