County Weed Programs

The Colorado Department of Agriculture works closely with the state’s 64 counties to manage noxious weeds. State noxious weed management plans are developed with the use of mapping information provided by the counties, and each plan is discussed and finalized with their participation. Local weed management information can be obtained from county weed managers and coordinators displayed on the Google map below.

The department appreciates the counties’ efforts to educate and effectively lead weed control efforts throughout the state.

County Contacts

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Colorado List B Weed Management Plans by Counties

The Colorado Noxious Weed Act directs the Department of Agriculture to develop and implement management plans for all List A and List B noxious weed species. These management plans are regularly reviewed, updated, and detailed in the Rules Pertaining to the Administration and Enforcement of the Colorado Noxious Weed Act, or the Noxious Weed Rule for short (8 CCR 1206-2).

For List A species, the management plan is always Eradicate. For List B species, management objectives described in the Annual Rule specify timelines for the eventual Eradication of those noxious weed populations Field data collected annually from County Weed Managers and other state, federal, and local agencies and organizations provide the basis for these noxious weed management plans.

List B County Management plans can be found here.

“Eradication” means reducing the reproductive success of a noxious weed species or specified noxious weed populations in largely uninfested regions to zero and permanently eliminating the species or populations within a specified period of time. This occurs until the seed bank is eliminated.

“Elimination” means the removal or destruction of all emerged, growing plants of a population of List A or List B species designated for eradication by the Commissioner. It is the first step in achieving Eradication and is succeeded by efforts to detect and destroy newly emerged plants arising from seed, reproductive propagule, or remaining rootstock for the duration of the seed longevity for the particular species.

"Containment" means maintaining an intensively managed buffer zone that separates infested regions, where suppression activities prevail, from largely uninfested regions, where eradication activities prevail. These managed buffer zones are referred to as containment areas. Within containment areas, Suppression is the management strategy. Outside of the containment area, Elimination towards Eradication is the management strategy. List B Containment Maps.

"Suppression" means reducing the vigor of noxious weed populations within an infested region, decreasing the propensity of noxious weed species to spread to surrounding lands, and mitigating the negative effects of noxious weed populations on infested lands. Suppression efforts may employ a wide variety of integrated management techniques.

The links below direct you to current List B management plans by County. Please contact Emily McGrath at emily.mcgrath@state.co.us with any questions about List B management plans.   List B Rule Rotation Schedule.