Animal Health

New Backyard Avian Influenza Case Confirmed in Colorado

The US Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Veterinary Services Laboratory (NVSL) confirmed a new case of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in a backyard flock in Weld County, Colorado. The flock experienced a high mortality event, losing 20 of 24 chickens in the flock, after exposure to sick and dying wild geese on the premises. The remaining birds in the flock were euthanized.  

Growing with the Flow: CDA visits an aquaculture facility

On September 25th staff from CDA, USDA and the Colorado Attorney General's Office toured an aquaculture facility to learn more about Colorado’s aquaculture industry. The team was able to learn how fish are grown and stocked, the differences in water sources, regulatory considerations, and fish health and veterinary medicine considerations. Learning more about aquaculture will help CDA and USDA to better support the needs of the industry. 

Day in the life of: Veterinary Social Worker

In the past, animal mistreatment and neglect or abuse of people were usually perceived as two separate issues. More recently, an increasing amount of research has shown a direct link between human and animal mistreatment. Professionals in animal law enforcement and human social work have found that difficult life circumstances and mental health life challenges are at the root of many of these linked cases. 

West Nile Virus Confirmed in Weld County Horse

The Colorado State Veterinarian’s office has confirmed the first case of equine West Nile Virus (WNV) of 2023 in a gelding residing in Weld County. The horse presented with sudden neurological symptoms including weakness, stumbling and recumbency and was euthanized as a result of his condition. The age and vaccine status for this gelding are unknown.  

State Vet Issues Updated Poultry Show Guidance, Encourages Coloradans To Join Webinar on Avian Influenza

Because Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) continues to present a threat to birds across Colorado, the Colorado State Veterinarian’s office has issued updated guidance for poultry events, such as swaps, meets, and competitions. The guidance asks poultry owners to increase safety precautions and biosecurity practices, monitor their flocks for illness, and report any sick or dead birds to the State Veterinarian’s Office.