The Animal Health Division's telephone system is experiencing trouble. If you are attempting to reach us, please call 303-869-9131 or leave a voicemail and your call will be returned.


Pesticide Use in Cannabis Production Information

The Colorado Pesticide Applicator Act prohibits use of a pesticide in a manner inconsistent with the product labeling:

35-10-117(1)(i)C.R.S.: unless otherwise authorized by law, it is unlawful and a violation of this article for any person to use, store or dispose of pesticides, pesticide containers, rinsates, or other related materials, or to supervise or recommend such acts, in a manner inconsistent with labeling directions or requirements, unless otherwise provided by law, or in an unsafe, negligent, or fraudulent manner.

Pesticide Applicators' Act Rules Associated with the User of Pesticides in the Production of Cannabis

Effective March 30, 2016

The Colorado Department of Agriculture has adopted Rules that set forth the criteria by which pesticides are allowed for use in the cultivation of Cannabis in Colorado. These Rules are effective March 30, 2016. The two links below provide the factual and policy basis for the Rules and the Rule language itself.

Governor's Executive Order D 2015-015

The Governor issued Executive Order D 2015-015 on November 12, 2015, directing Colorado state agencies to address threats to public safety posed by marijuana contaminated by pesticides. See the links below to read the Governor's directive.

Pesticides Allowed for Use on Cannabis


Each time we update the Cannabis pesticides list or have industry news we will send out an email blast and you can sign up here to be included. As of March 30, 2016, all past lists will be removed from the CDA website and updates will be made only to the list of approved pesticides that may be used in accordance with Pesticide Applicators' Act Rule - Part 17.

The list developed by CDA is intended to assist Colorado Cannabis growers in identifying which pesticides can be used legally in accordance with the Pesticide Applicators' Act and its Rules in the production of Cannabis (marijuana and hemp), it is not an endorsement or recommendation to use these products in the production of Cannabis in Colorado. These products have not been tested to determine their health effects if used on Cannabis that will be consumed and thus the health risks to consumers is unknown. Therefore, CDA makes no assurances of their safety or effectiveness when used on Cannabis and is not responsible or liable for any such use.

To view or download the current list, click the link below:

  • Pesticides allowed for use in Cannabis production in accordance with the PAA Rule:

Products added since the last update are now highlighted on the PDF version of the file. The Google Sheet version can be sorted or filtered by name, date, active ingredient, etc.

We are currently reviewing pesticide labels upon request and maintaining a list of products whose labels we have reviewed that can be used on Cannabis without violating Part 17 of the PAA Rules, as long as the applicator follows the label directions. If you have products that you wish to have CDA review, please contact Jolynn Morris.

For media inquiries, please contact Olga Robak at 303-869-9005.


Federal Worker Protection Standards

If you are a commercial Cannabis producer, are you aware of the requirements of the Federal Pesticide Worker Protection Standard (WPS)? This includes many specific requirements that producers of any agriculture commodity (including Cannabis) must comply with if they have people working in an area where plants have been treated with pesticides or who mix or apply pesticides. If you would like further information on these requirements, please contact Mira McBroome at 303-869-9063 to set up a meeting to discuss these requirements.