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Hemp Advisory Committee

Members of the Hemp Advisory Committee (HAC) advise the Department and confer on all matters regarding the regulation of hemp. They assist the Commissioner and program staff in promulgating rules to carry out the Hemp Act, Title 35, Article 61. The committee provides advice and consultation to the Commissioner and program staff by reviewing rules, recommending new rules or changes to existing rules. The committee also offers advice and consultation on the establishment of an inspection program to determine THC concentration in compliance with the Colorado Hemp Act, USDA and approved Colorado State Hemp Plan.

HAC members serve 3 year terms. The HAC will meet bi-annually (twice a year). The HAC is appointed by the Agriculture Commission and is made up of ten members.

Term Limit: By resolution of the Agriculture Commission (2016) there is a desire to bring different members on to advisory boards and committees, generate diversity, new ideas and fresh perspectives; therefore, HAC members may not serve more than 9 years (or 3 terms) on a board.

Desired qualities of applicants: Members represent their industry segment as a whole, not just themselves or their company’s interests. Members have a broad diversity of experience as well as an understanding of State Regulatory Agencies, specifically that CDA has to operate within the mandate set by state and federal legislators (congress) and USDA. Desirable members also have experience in Ag/hemp and have an appreciation of agricultural science.

Chairperson: A chairperson is nominated and elected to serve a one-year term. The Chair will:

  • Review the proposed agenda with CDA staff prior to the meeting
  • Provide feedback on the proposed agenda
  • Move the meeting through the agenda, ensuring:
    • Fair speaking time to any party;
    • That order be maintained during the meeting; and
    • That the meeting covers the agenda items.

Dos and Don’ts of an HAC member:

  • Advisory committees that are statutorily formed are subject to the Open Meetings Law. As such, any meeting at which two or more of the committee members are present and at which the business of the committee may be discussed is subject to public notice.
  • No board, commission, or committee exists until there is a quorum gathered in a meeting at which the body may function. As such, one person attending a separate forum and holding himself out as a member of the HAC has no legal authority to speak for or bind the HAC or the Department to any position, much as no single member of any formally constituted board may speak for or bind the board in the absence of the whole board and that board’s vote to be bound.
  • Because the HAC is advisory to the Commissioner, it is the Commissioner, or her delegate, who convenes the HAC for purposes of probing the HAC for input related to the statutory areas in which the HAC is to operate.

To review the full text, please visit the Secretary of State's website and click on "Colorado Revised Statutes" on the right and search for "CRS 35-61-103". 


Hemp Advisory Committee Members - July 2024

  • Cooperative Farmer: William Althouse, Fat Pig Society
  • Cannabinoid Industry: Alex Seleznov, Sunflower Wellness
  • Commercial Farmer: Ryan Eakes, Typhoon Farma, Inc.
  • Hemp Regulation: Aaron Furman, Control Union
  • Higher Education Research Institution: Rebecca Hill, Colorado State University
  • Citizen Advocate: Sasha Kalcheff-Korn, Realm of Caring
  • Hemp Manufacturing Industry: Derek Wolf, Hemp and Block, LLC
  • Hemp Small Business: Lathan Scoggins, Root151 Farm
  • Certified Seed Industry: Jon Salo, JNC Industries, LLC
  • Seed Development/Genetics: Thomas Swanson, High Alpine Genetics

Please contact the Hemp staff if you would like to contact an Advisory member.