Western Slope

Significant Decline in Mesa County Japanese Beetle Population

After a successful summer treatment plan, Mesa County and the city of Grand Junction are celebrating an 85% reduction in Japanese beetle populations. Found in the city of Grand Junction in the summer of 2022, Mesa County declared the beetle a public nuisance species in March 2023. Joined by the Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA), CSU Extension, and the City of Grand Junction, Mesa County has worked to eradicate the species, which is a threat to both crops and ornamental plants on the Western Slope. 

State Vet Confirms Western Slope Equine West Nile Virus Case

The total number of horses in Colorado with confirmed West Nile Virus (WNV) cases has risen to 21, with a first case of equine WNV confirmed in Mesa County. Additional horses in Weld, Larimer, Morgan, and Douglas counties have also tested positive for WNV. Of the confirmed positive cases, five horses have died or have been euthanized.

Fruit Growers in Three Colorado Counties Granted Pest-free Status by Arizona

September 17, 2020
Contact: Mary Peck, 303-869-9005, mary.peck@state.co.us

Broomfield, Colo. - The Colorado Western Slope counties of Montrose, Delta and Mesa have been given Pest-free status by the Arizona Department of Agriculture, allowing fruit growers to ship commercially grown deciduous fruit to the state without a cold-storage quarantine requirement that has been in place for a number of years.