Fruit Growers in Three Colorado Counties Granted Pest-free Status by Arizona

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September 17, 2020
Contact: Mary Peck, 303-869-9005,

Broomfield, Colo. - The Colorado Western Slope counties of Montrose, Delta and Mesa have been given Pest-free status by the Arizona Department of Agriculture, allowing fruit growers to ship commercially grown deciduous fruit to the state without a cold-storage quarantine requirement that has been in place for a number of years.

A five-year cooperative pest trapping program between the Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) Phytosanitary program, Cooperative Agriculture Pest Survey, CSU Mesa County Extension, and Black Bear Orchard and Taylor Farms provided new research and data that proved the counties are free of Apple Maggot and Plum Curculio pests.

“Thanks to the expertise, tenacity and collaboration of many committed partners, a new market has been opened to Western Slope fruit growers that had been closed for many years,” said Cheryl Smith, CDA Export Certification Specialist.

Fruit growers who are interested in exploring new markets to other states and/or other countries should work with CDA. The Plants Division will assist by researching any requirements that other states and countries have regarding pest freedom and pest quarantines, while the Markets Division can assist shippers with size and grade inspections, food safety verification audits, and connecting with prospective buyers.

Please contact CDA’s Plant Health and Certification Section for more information.

The Colorado Department of Agriculture exists to support the state's agriculture industry and serve the people of Colorado through regulation, advocacy and education. Our mission is to strengthen and advance Colorado agriculture, promote a safe and high-quality food supply, protect consumers, and foster responsible stewardship of the environment and natural resources.