The Animal Health Division's telephone system is experiencing trouble. If you are attempting to reach us, please call 303-869-9131 or leave a voicemail and your call will be returned.


Become a BAP Agent

Under Colorado’s Animal Protection Statutes, the commissioner may appoint Bureau of Animal Protection agents who are employees of the state, Colorado based non-profit corporations, municipal corporations, cities and counties, or any other local governmental entity or political subdivision of the state.

BAP agents who have completed training as specified by the commissioner can conduct investigations related to animal mistreatment and issue summons and complaints, typically in partnership with local law enforcement. Only local law enforcement and CDA BAP agents can investigate complaints related to livestock. There are approximately 100 commissioned BAP Agents across Colorado currently.

Volunteer BAP Agent applicants must be currently employed by either a municipal corporation, county, city, or any other local governmental entity or political subdivision of the state, or a Colorado based non-profit corporation that is an approved BAP employer. Applicants are required to have at least one year of verifiable experience in regulatory or code enforcement, as well as documented experience or specific training with animal control and animal cruelty investigations. 

To receive an application, please email the BAP program at and attach all relevant documentation showing the employment and experience history as listed above. 


Email the Bureau of Animal Protection