Bureau of Animal Protection Stakeholder Task Force

The BAP Stakeholder Task Force (Task Force) is comprised of a diverse group of 13 individuals with experience in any of the following areas:

         (1) the livestock community;
         (2) the pet owner and care community;
         (3) the veterinary medicine community;
         (4) the animal welfare community;
         (5) the law enforcement and peace officer training (POST) community;
         (6) other members of the public with experience in public policy centered around animal protection, the livestock industry, and animal welfare.

Members of this voluntary Task Force were appointed in Summer 2021 by the Commissioner of Agriculture to serve a two-year term. Members may be allowed to serve consecutive terms at the sole discretion of the Commissioner of Agriculture. 

Upcoming meetings

The next BAP Task Force meeting will take place on Tuesday, December 18, 2024 from 2:00-3:00 PM 

Register for the Zoom meeting


The Task Force was formed with the following goals: 

  1. To provide a forum for regular communication between stakeholders and administrators of the BAP program. 
  2. To provide expert analysis as the BAP program staff seeks to develop and implement the program's strategic plan. 
  3. To inform BAP staff of emerging issues related to the care and welfare of animals in the State of Colorado and provide feedback on BAP program initiatives. 

The Task Force typically meets quarterly. All meetings of the Task Force are open to the public and with time at the end for public comment. A Zoom link for the public can be found on the meeting agenda, which is typically posted one week prior to the meeting. Current and past meeting agendas can be found by clicking on the Meeting Links and Notes button below. 

View the updated 2023 Charter.

To stay updated on BAP, sign up here

Photo by Sherry Dreher
Boy pets a friendly cow through the fence, photo by Sherry Dreher.

Task Force Members and Affiliations

There are 13 Public Members currently serving on the Task Force:

Rigo Neira
Larimer Humane Society
Erik Bourgerie
Colorado POST
Erin Spaur
Colorado Cattlemen's Association
Justin Marceau
University of Denver
Carla Zinanti
Jefferson County Animal Control
Jamie L. Norris
Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region
Ali Mickleson
Dumb Friends League
Zachary Riley
Colorado Livestock Association
Jason Santomaso
Sterling Livestock
Scott Weaver
Yuma County Commissioner
Bobbi Priestly
Dumb Friends League
John (JD) Ross
Sterling Police Department
Andrea Davis
Broken Shovels Farm Sanctuary


Past Meetings: Presentations and Notes


BAP Subcommittees

The BAP and the BAP Task Force are forming subcommittees focused on key components of the Strategic Plan. The purpose of these subcommittees is to provide a small group of experts interested in guiding the development and implementation of key initiatives. Task Force members may volunteer to serve on these subcommittees and can nominate additional stakeholders to serve on these subcommittees. BAP Agents are also invited to participate on subcommittees as needed. These subcommittees are designed to be small to ensure we have efficiency in the conversation and actions.

Subcommittees meet as needed. All subcommittee meetings are open to the public and, with time, for public comment.  A Zoom link for the public can be found on the meeting agenda, which is typically posted one week before the meeting.