The Agricultural Workforce Services Program helps agricultural employees access information about their rights under labor laws and works with agricultural employers to understand their compliance obligations with labor laws.
The program conducts outreach to ag workers and employers and connects them with both state agencies and other organizations that provide support to agricultural communities.
Aldo Parra
Agricultural Worker Services Program Administrator

Order free PPE
We are partnering with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment on the response to the ongoing outbreak of avian influenza.
Any commercial dairy or poultry facility can order up to a four-week supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for their workers.
Wages & Breaks Calculator
CDA has created an interactive spreadsheet to help business owners and employees calculate the wages they must pay and breaks they must allow under Colorado's labor laws.
To use this interactive template, make a copy of it and safe it to your computer or drive. Use your copy to calculate individual wages, OT, & breaks per timesheet. Download a pdf for each wage calculation, i.e. per timesheet.
CDA's Ag Worker Services program provides resources to support both agricultural workers and employers in mitigating health, safety, labor, and support services. This page provides more information on the programs and services available to agricultural employees and employers.
If you would like to receive more information about available services, please fill out one of the forms below or contact Aldo Parra at aldo.parra@state.co.us or via call or text at 720-795-3669.
Si desea recibir más información sobre los servicios disponibles, complete el folmulario a continuación o póngase en contacto con Aldo Parra por correo electrónico a aldo.parra@state.co.us o por mensaje de texto al 720-795-3669. No dude en llamar a este número con cualquier pregunta.
Fill out an online form or download contact flyers here.
Ag Workers | Trabajadores/as Agrícolas
(Download a PDF in English or Spanish)
- Legislation (SB21-087)
- H2A Program
- Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act (MSPA)
- Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
- Field Sanitation Provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)
- Internships
- Colorado Agriculture Future Loans
- Community Food Access Grants
- Bonding Program
- Worker Protection Pesticide Training
- Summary of Hand Weeding Requirements
- High School Equivalency Program
- Title I Part C
- College Assistance Migrant Programs (CAMP)
- MSU Denver
- Bilinguals United for Education and New Opportunities (BUENO) - Aims Community College and University of Colorado Boulder
- Adams State University
- Colorado State University-Pueblo
- Community Health Centers Serving Agricultural Workers
- Colorado Agricultural Addiction and Mental Health Program (CAAMHP)
- Colorado Division of Insurance
- Program Eligibility and Application Kit (PEAK)
- H2A Housing Inspections
If you would like to receive more information about services available to all agricultural workers, please download this form, fill it out, and return it to Aldo Parra via email at aldo.parra@state.co.us or via text at 720-795-3669. Feel free to call this number with any questions.
Si desea recibir más información sobre los servicios disponibles para todos los trabajadores agrícolas, baje y complete este formulario y devuélvalo a Aldo Parra, por correo electrónico a aldo.parra@state.co.us o por mensaje de texto al 720-795-3669. No dude en llamar a este número con cualquier pregunta.