The Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) is accepting applications for the Specialty Crop Block Grant Program (SCBGP) through Monday, February 15, 2021. To assist applicants in submitting competitive applications, CDA will host an SCBGP Application Workshop on Wednesday, February 3 at 1 p.m.
The workshop will be held virtually, via Zoom, and anyone interested in applying for Colorado SCBGP funding, now or in the future, is welcome to attend. First time applicants are especially encouraged to attend, as the workshop will cover frequently asked questions, common application mistakes and missteps, and will provide ample time for live questions and answers.
Register online here. The workshop will also be recorded and posted on the CDA website.
The SCBGP is a federal grant program, administered by state departments of agriculture, that is intended to enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops in areas such as marketing, promotion, education, research, trade, and nutrition. Specialty crops are defined as fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, horticulture and nursery crops, including floriculture and sod.
To apply, applicants must submit a concept proposal and accompanying letters of support from the specialty crop industry. Application materials and specific instructions can be found on CDA’s Specialty Crop Block Grant Program page.
For any questions regarding the SCBGP, contact Jennifer Benson, CDA Grants Specialist, at