Agricultural Stewardship Tax Credit

This tax credit is meant to encourage the practice of qualified stewardship practices on a farm or ranch, including any practice that:

  • increases soil health, 
  • improves water efficiency, or 
  • creates more diverse and beneficial ecosystems while maintaining the productivity of the farm or ranch.

This tax credit was created through HB24-1249. CDA and Department of Revenue (DOR) will manage the tax credit program. 

The Ag Stewardship Tax Credit:

  • Is based on practices implemented on farms or ranches
  • Is refundable (producers can get a tax rebate if they do not owe taxes) 
  • Cannot overlap with existing grants or tax credits (it cannot be applied to the same practice on the same acreage as another grant)
A red barn in a field with text "Agricultural Stewardship Tax Credit" and images of seedlings, a cow, and cover crops.

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Program contact

Please reach out to us via email at cda_agtaxstewardship@state.co.us 

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