
Witnessing the strength of Southern Colorado

Agriculture and politics have something in common. When they’re working right, they’re flying under the radar. When there are bumps in the road, everyone is very aware of just how much they impact our daily lives. 

In rural areas, the lines blur even more often between the two as producers are used to doing what needs to be done - whether that’s on their operations or in their community.

CDA Launches Ag Lending Program Aimed at Diversifying Colorado Agricultural Financing Options

The Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) has launched the Colorado Agricultural Future Loan Program, a new financially inclusive lending program that offers financing to farmers, ranchers, and agriculturally supportive business owners who have the skills, training, and vision to succeed, but simply lack funding. CDA has selected First Southwest Bank, based in Alamosa, as the official lending partner of the Colorado Agricultural Future Loan Program.

Grama Grass & Livestock: a grant story

Regenerating the land to produce food for their community is the main goal of Grama Grass and Livestock, a grass farming business that utilizes ruminant animals, specifically cattle, to improve soil health and boost forage capacity. Andy Breiter, owner of Grama Grass and Livestock, is himself an internship success story, as he began his career as an intern at the neighboring Golden Hoof Farm. 

Colorado Invests $1.9M Into Drought Preparedness and Mitigation Across the State

To help Colorado’s agricultural industry mitigate the effects of the ongoing mega drought and improve the efficiency of agricultural water distribution systems, the Colorado Department of Agriculture awarded 21 competitive grants totaling more than $1.68 million to agricultural businesses, tribal organizations, water management entities, and watershed improvement projects across the state.