
CDA Launches Ag Lending Program Aimed at Diversifying Colorado Agricultural Financing Options

The Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) has launched the Colorado Agricultural Future Loan Program, a new financially inclusive lending program that offers financing to farmers, ranchers, and agriculturally supportive business owners who have the skills, training, and vision to succeed, but simply lack funding. CDA has selected First Southwest Bank, based in Alamosa, as the official lending partner of the Colorado Agricultural Future Loan Program.

CDA Seeking Information from Agricultural Lenders on Administering Ag Loan Program

Please note: this RFI is now closed. 

The Colorado Departments of Agriculture and Personnel & Administration are seeking information from current agricultural and other lenders who can provide insight and expertise into structuring a comprehensive scope of work and cost response for an agricultural loan program. The loan program comes as the result of SB 21-248, which appropriated up to $30 million for low interest loans and farm-to-market infrastructure loans and grants.