
Hemp Advisory Committee Seeking to Fill Six Vacancies

The Colorado Department of Agriculture is seeking nominations across Colorado to fill six vacancies on the Hemp Advisory Committee (HAC). The committee provides advice to the Commissioner by reviewing proposed rules and recommending new rules or changes to existing rules.

“Colorado has been a pioneer in the hemp industry since 2013 and the Hemp Advisory Committee consists of leaders and innovators who have an active role in advising the Department by providing invaluable industry feedback,” said Brian Koontz, Hemp Program manager.

The HAC is looking for members representing:

Hemp Committee Seeks Nominations to Fill Four Seats

The Hemp Advisory Committee (HAC) at the Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) is seeking nominations to fill four seats representing various sectors of the hemp industry. The HAC advises the Commissioner of Agriculture by reviewing proposed rules and recommending new rules or changes to existing rules, including rules that establish CDA’s inspection program to determine THC concentration. 

Hemp Producers: Sample Your Lot(s) Before Harvest!

If you’re a hemp farmer in Colorado getting ready for harvest, make sure you’ve contacted an authorized sampler to collect the samples from your lot(s) and submit for THC testing at a certified laboratory.

All hemp program registrants must complete sampling before they can begin harvesting their lot(s). 

Hemp Advisory Committee Seeking Commercial Hemp Farm Member

The Colorado Department of Agriculture is seeking nominations for a Hemp Advisory Committee (HAC) member representing Commercial Farmers. The committee provides advice to the Commissioner by reviewing proposed rules and recommending new rules or changes to existing rules, including rules that establish CDA’s inspection program to determine THC concentration.