If you’re a hemp farmer in Colorado getting ready for harvest, make sure you’ve contacted an authorized sampler to collect the samples from your lot(s) and submit for THC testing at a certified laboratory.
All hemp program registrants must complete sampling before they can begin harvesting their lot(s).
Hemp sampling is completed by authorized samplers who collect the samples as well as any necessary documentation and submit the samples for analysis. The samples are tested for the concentration of THC (delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol), which cannot exceed three-tenths of one percent (0.3%) on a dry weight basis.
Once testing is complete, Hemp Program staff will email the registrants a letter of compliance if the hemp sample results are within the acceptable THC level. If sample results are not within the acceptable THC level, the Hemp Program will email instructions on what to do, including any remediation options. You can learn more about CDA’s Hemp Program here.
Additionally, CDA inspectors conduct random inspections throughout the year. Producers selected for this process will be asked to provide documentation, including:
- planting and harvest reports
- regulatory THC results
- FSA-578 form
- receipts for buying or selling hemp seeds or clones
- petition
- crop off-site storage form
- remediation/disposal form
Questions? Contact the Hemp program via our online hemp question form. Interested in becoming an authorized sampler? View more information on the CDA website at ag.colorado.gov/hemp.