Mental Health Support Available to Communities Statewide

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November 24, 2020
Contact:  Mary Peck, 720-428-0441,

Broomfield, Colo. - In a year that has resulted in increased strain on mental health, and with the arrival of the holiday season, the Colorado Departments of Agriculture, Human Services and Public Health and Environment remind Coloradans that support is available to people in every Colorado county through a number of different resources:

  • Colorado Crisis Services provides confidential, free support through a statewide call line. Call 1-844-493-TALK (8255) or text “TALK” to 38255. Counselors are available to talk 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  • Community-based crisis counseling teams of the Colorado Spirit Crisis Counseling Program (CCP) are providing free emotional support to people of all ages during the COVID-19 pandemic. Local teams are active across the state, including in rural and frontier counties.  Learn more and find a provider list here. Counselors can help with support around feelings of worry, sadness, hopelessness, or even anger that life during the pandemic brings up. CCP is funded by a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency with oversight by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.
  • A statewide Healthcare Workforce, Teacher, and Educator Well-being Support Line has also been created by the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. The line provides counseling, stress and resilience support, and education tools. The support line is available from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., seven days a week, by calling 303-724-2500. Learn more. 

All Coloradans, particularly those living in isolated areas, are encouraged to utilize these services. As case numbers of COVID-19 increase across the nation, many people are experiencing the stress of the pandemic in different ways and it’s important to bolster protective factors that can help support mental health.

Learn more about the Colorado Department of Agriculture’s rural mental health outreach initiative and toolkit here. Sign up for the department’s rural mental health quarterly newsletter here.


The Colorado Department of Agriculture exists to support the state's agriculture industry and serve the people of Colorado through regulation, advocacy and education. Our mission is to strengthen and advance Colorado agriculture, promote a safe and high-quality food supply, protect consumers, and foster responsible stewardship of the environment and natural resources.