Agricultural Worker Services Program

The Agricultural Workforce Services Program was established in HB22-1308 to create the Colorado agricultural workforce services program in the Colorado Department of Agriculture. This includes an online resource portal for agricultural employees to access information about their rights under labor laws and for agricultural employers to access information about compliance with labor laws. Through this program, resources will be provided to support both agricultural workers and employers in mitigating health, safety, labor, and support services. This page provides program information and a link for agricultural employees and employers to view services on how to participate in the program.  

Aldo Parra
Agricultural Worker Services Program Administrator
720 795 3669

From behind, a male ag worker studies a peach in a photo titled "Perfect Peach" by Luke Munchrath of a peach orchard.


Technical Assistance
Educational Resources
Agricultural Employer Services Request Form

If you would like to receive more information about services available to all agricultural employers, please download this form, fill it out, and return it to Aldo Parra via email at aldo.parra@state.co.us or via text at 720-795-3669. Feel free to call this number with any questions.

Sí desea recibir más información sobre los servicios disponibles para todos los empleadores agrícolas, baje y complete este formulario y envíelo a Aldo Parra por correo electrónico a aldo.parra@state.co.us o por mensaje de texto al 720-795-3669. No dude en llamar a este número con cualquier pregunta.



Technical Assistance
Educational Resources
Agricultural Employee Services Request Form

If you would like to receive more information about services available to all agricultural workers, please download this form, fill it out, and return it to Aldo Parra via email at aldo.parra@state.co.us or via text at 720-795-3669. Feel free to call this number with any questions.

Si desea recibir más información sobre los servicios disponibles para todos los trabajadores agrícolas, baje y complete este formulario y devuélvalo a Aldo Parra, por correo electrónico a aldo.parra@state.co.us o por mensaje de texto al 720-795-3669. No dude en llamar a este número con cualquier pregunta.