
On-farm Energy and Efficiency Projects Eligible for CDA Grant Funding

The Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) is seeking applications from farmers and ranchers interested in modernizing their agricultural operations with energy efficiency improvements or renewable energy projects. Agricultural producers can apply for funding and technical assistance through CDA’s Advancing Colorado’s Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ACRE3) program, which aims to reduce on-farm energy costs while promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. 

Farm Operators Invited to Learn About New Ag Water Inspection Requirements

Starting this year, all farms growing produce typically consumed raw, which fall under the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Produce Safety Rule, must be in compliance with the Harvest and Post-Harvest Water standards. The Colorado Department of Agriculture inspects farms across the state to ensure compliance with the Rule and Produce Safety Rule staff will hold a Town Hall for farmers to learn what standards they will need to meet. 

Produce Safety Rule: Food Contact Surfaces and Bathrooms Webinar

Lettuce is sorted and stacked at a vegetable processing facility

When assessing risk, any surface that comes into contact with produce can be divided into zones. Zone one, or food contact surfaces, are the most important areas to keep clean. Food contact surfaces include equipment as well as the hands of workers who may be touching the produce. 

Produce Safety Rule: Packing and Holding Webinar

Gloved hand of a worker packing ripe tomatoes into boxes

Are you uncertain whether your farm is involved in packing or holding produce under the Produce Safety Program? This webinar will explain what qualifies as packing and holding according to the regulations.

EPA Pesticide Label Changes Informational Session 3


A pesticide truck sprays an agricultural fieldThe Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is making changes to pesticide labels to protect endangered species, following the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

EPA Pesticide Label Changes Informational Session 2


A pesticide truck sprays an agricultural fieldThe Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is making changes to pesticide labels to protect endangered species, following the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

EPA Pesticide Label Changes Informational Session 1


A pesticide truck sprays an agricultural fieldThe Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is making changes to pesticide labels to protect endangered species, following the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

Produce Safety Rule: Ag Water Town Hall 2025

A head of lettuce being rinsed on the farm

Since January, all farms that fall under the Produce Safety Rule are required to adhere to the new regulations. 

This town hall will specifically address Harvest and Post-Harvest agricultural water, helping farms understand what inspectors will be looking for during the inspection season.