The Animal Health Division's telephone system is experiencing trouble. If you are attempting to reach us, please call 303-869-9131 or leave a voicemail and your call will be returned.


File an animal mistreatment or neglect complaint

The first step for reporting animal cruelty or neglect is to contact local law enforcement, animal control or a local humane society.

Many of these local agencies have BAP agents on staff and resources to respond rapidly to public reports of animal mistreatment or neglect. 

To find the agency in your area that investigates reports of animal mistreatment or neglect, click on your county on the map below. In those counties that do not employ BAP agents, reports should be made to local law enforcement.

Cat and Dog
Photo by Andrew S on Unsplash

If additional assistance is needed after contacting local agencies, you can submit a complaint directly to Colorado Department of Agriculture Bureau of Animal Protection staff by filling out an online form.

All complaints will be submitted online, please do not call the BAP to submit complaints.

If you request to remain anonymous, we will make every effort to protect your identity from disclosure; however, we cannot guarantee anonymity since disclosure may be required during the investigation or in the course of corrective action and any information requested is part of the public record.

You may also follow-up with more detail about your complaint by emailing