Special Local Needs Registrations

Under the authority of §24(c) of FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act), states may register an additional use of a federally registered pesticide product, or a new end-use product to meet special local needs.

EPA reviews these registrations and may disapprove the state registration if, among other things, the use is not covered by necessary tolerances, or the use has been previously denied, disapproved, suspended or canceled by the Administrator, or voluntarily canceled subsequent to a notice concerning health or environmental concerns.

  • An application for an SLN must come from the EPA registrant.
  • Any SLN use must fit within an existing tolerance.
  • A Colorado SLN label can only be used in Colorado.
  • Approved SLN labels are set to expire after five years. The SLN can be extended if the five-year review concludes that the special local need still exists.
  • CDA confers with CSU specialists in determining if an adequate special local need exists and whether the user will fit within an existing tolerance.
  • If a Special Local Need Registrations adds a use to a product already registered with CDA, it does not require a separate Colorado pesticide registration. None of Colorado's current SLN's have a separate state registration.

If you are a registrant that is considering applying for an SLN in Colorado, please consult our SLN Guidance Document - How to Apply.


Special Local Needs (SLN) Pesticide List for Colorado

The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) Section 24(c) allows States to register additional uses of a federally registered pesticide.

These additional uses are for distribution and use within a particular state to meet a "special local need" (SLN).

An applicator must have the 24(c) Supplemental Label in their possession to apply SLN products.

The following list is for Colorado only. Click on the label name below to open a PDF file of the SLN label.

Product Brand NameEPA Reg#Registrant NameDate issuedSLN#Authorized UseSite
Agri-Mek SC Miticide/Insecticide100-1351Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC5/22/2019CO-190001For control of spider mites (including banks grass mites).Grasses grown for seed
Authority MTZ DF Herbicide279-3340FMC Corporation3/7/2014CO-140001For control of Kochia, Russian thistle, and lambs quarters on fallow land.Fallow
Balance Flexx264-1067Bayer CropScience LP2/17/09CO-090001
For Control of Broadleaf Weeds and Grasses in Field Corn.
Brigade 2EC279-3313FMC Corporation4/3/2017CO-170003Mite and Aphid controlKentucky Bluegrass, seed production
Brigade 2EC279-3313FMC Corporation5/15/09CO-090003Insect control in alfalfa grown for seedAlfalfa
Carzol SP10163-265Gowan Company8/8/2006CO-060008Insect control in alfalfa grown for seedAlfalfa, seed prod
Comite II400-154Chemtura5/7/2008CO-080002Mite control in alfalfa grown for seedAlfalfa, seed prod
264-1066Bayer CropScience LP3/27/09CO-090002Additional soil restrictions for isoxaflutoleCorn
264-1066Bayer CropScience LP1/14/2015CO-150002Fallow land, Kochia controlfallow
67702-2-70051Certis USA1/29/2020CO-200001Disease control in hempHemp
Dimethoate 40034704-207Loveland Products, Inc.7/12/2017CO-170004Aphids, banks grass mites, spider mitesGrasses, seed production
Dual Magnum100-816Syngenta3/10/1999CO-990002For control of weeds in dry bulb onionsOnion
Dual Magnum Herbicide100-816Syngenta4/1/2003CO-030008Spinach, weed controlSpinach
Eptam 7E10163-283Gowan Company12/9/2024CO-240005Nutsedge, Groundsel WeedsCarrots
Gramoxone SL 3.0100-1652Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC8/30/2021 CO-210001Preharvest DessicationAlfalfa, Seed Prod
Intrepid 2F62719-442Dow Agrosciences8/3/12CO-120002Aerial application on dry beans and sugar beets at reduced gallonage (5 gap)Beans, dry edible, sugar beets
Lorsban Advanced62719-591Dow Agrosciences06/28/2010CO-100004Control of Aphids, 7-day PHI / lower ratesSweet Corn
Natular G308329-83Clarke Mosquito Control Products, Inc.02/08/2018CO-180003Applied in mesh bags, Animas Mosquito Control District OnlyNon-crop. standing water, mosquito larvae habitat
Onager10163-277Gowan Company2/9/2016CO-160001Banks grass mite, two-spotted spider mite.Grass grown for seed
Onager Miticide10163-277Gowan Company10/31/08CO-080007To control spider mites in alfalfa and clover grown for seedAlfalfa, clover grown for seed
Prowl H20 herbicide241-418BASF1/24/2006CO-060002Weed control in dry bulb onion delayed preemergenceOnion
Reflex Herbicide100-993Syngenta12/31/2019CO-100003Weed control in dry beansBeans
Scoparia Herbicide264-600Bayer CropScience LP1/9/2015CO-150001Fallow land, Kochia controlfallow
Scorch EXT71368-130Nufarm1/7/2025CO-250001Fallow land, Kochia controlFallow
Status Herbicide7969-242BASF4/3/2007CO-070002Corn-allows aerial applicationsCorn
Talinor100-1570Syngenta Crop Protection9/26/2024CO-240004Fallow land, Kochia and Palmer ControlFallow
Tilt100-617Syngenta Crop Protection04/11/2016CO-160003Disease control in grass grown for seedgrasses, seed production
Valor EZ Herbicide59639-221Valent U.S.A. LLC8/26/2023CO-230002For weed control in established dormant alfalfa grown for seed. Alfalfa, Seed production
Vydate L Insecticide/Nematicide352-372Corteva Agriscience LLC12/18/2023CO-230003To suppress onion thrips and western flower thrips on bulb onions in Colorado. Onion
Zinc Phosphide on Wheat56228-3U.S. Department of Agriculture4/13/2022CO-220001For control of Wyoming ground squirrels. For use only by USDA APHIS employeesalfalfa, mixed grass/alfalfa fields, pastures, rangeland, and airports