Request A Bug v2


Request-A-Bug is a service that involves collection and distribution of biological controls (insects, mites or pathogens) to suppress noxious weeds or insect pests. Biocontrols can be requested by private landowners in Colorado or other government agencies. Supplies can be limited and vary from one year to the next; therefore, the Insectary cannot guarantee a release for each request submitted. There are 11 Request-A-Bug programs available

Government & Institutional Customers

The Palisade Insectary offers a Subscription service for public land managers across Colorado that provides insect releases, monitoring, field site visits, or outreach for a single yearly fee. Please contact the Insectary directly if you are interested in this program.

What to Expect

Step 1: Join the Waitlist

Submit your request as early as possible. Requests are fulfilled in order of date received and agent availability.

Step 2: Confirm Order & Pay

Insectary staff will contact you by email during the field season when agents are available and collect payment.

Step 3: FedEx Shipment

Your order will arrive next day via FedEx after the payment is processed.

Step 4: Release

Time Sensitive! Be sure to release your live biocontrols ASAP or put them in the refrigerator. The biocontrol agents are ready to eat/attack your noxious weeds! Follow the release instructions provided in your shipment.

Step 5: Report & Return

Complete the data report sheet included with your order and return the sheet. You can help us continue to keep costs low and reduce waste by returning the cooler to the Insectary. Thank you!

Optional: Insectary staff can help you decide if you should place an additional order for the following year. All biocontrols should be established within a year and will overwinter in Colorado. Full effects typically take up to 3 years.

Got questions? Contact us.

Agents Available for Release in Colorado

Fee Description Season
$30 Dalmatian Toadflax May - June
$30 Diffuse Knapweed July - Aug.
$35 Field Bindweed June - Aug.
$30 Leafy Spurge June - July
$30 Musk Thistle June - July
$30 Puncturevine Sept.
$0 Russian Knapweed April - May
$30 Spotted Knapweed July - Aug.


Agents by Special Request
Contact Palisade Insectary Directly

Target Agent Season Requirements

Canada Thistle

Puccinia punctiformis


Currently distributed for research projects only. 


Diorhabda carinulata


Specific site requirements must be met. Contact Program Manager Nina Louden.

Peach Moth

Macrocentrus ancylivorus June-August

Must be an orchard located in Grand Valley. 

Yellow Toadflax

Mecinus janthinus


University, government or large acreage requests only.

Governmental & Institutional Customers

The Palisade Insectary offers a Subscription service for public land managers across Colorado that provides insect releases, monitoring, field site visits, or outreach for a single yearly fee. Please contact the Insectary directly if you are interested in this program. 

Request a Bug


Outside the State of Colorado?

The Insectary works with federal and state institutions of Colorado. We do not work with private landowners outside of Colorado. If you are a private landowner, please contact your local state official.