Vet School Loan Repayment Assistance Program Benefits Rural Communities

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March 3, 2020
Veterinarians and Livestock Owners Contact: Colorado State Veterinarian’s Office, 303-869-9130
Media Contact: Mary Peck, 303-869-9005,

Broomfield, Colo. - The National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) has announced funding to assist eligible veterinarians in repaying a portion of their veterinary school loans in return for serving in regions of the United States lacking sufficient veterinary resources.

Funding is awarded through NIFA’s Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program (VMLRP), which will pay up to $25,000 each year towards qualified educational loans of eligible veterinarians who agree to serve in a NIFA-designated veterinarian shortage situation for a period of three years.

“Resolving the burden of veterinary school loan debt expands veterinarians’ capabilities to better serve within their local communities,” said Colorado State Veterinarian Dr. Keith Roehr. “When debt loads are reduced, veterinarians have greater ability to establish roots in rural communities and further animal health services in the areas they serve.”

Eight areas in Colorado consisting of multiple counties are currently experiencing rural area veterinarian shortages. They are listed here. For more information about the program and how to apply, visit the VMLRP website. Applications are due by April 2, 2020.

The Colorado Department of Agriculture exists to support the state's agriculture industry and serve the people of Colorado through regulation, advocacy and education. Our mission is to strengthen and advance Colorado agriculture, promote a safe and high-quality food supply, protect consumers, and foster responsible stewardship of the environment and natural resources.