Pesticide Applicator Licensing Online Portal **archived**

Division of Plant Industry Pesticide Applicator Licensing section offers the following links for the ease of applying or renewing pesticide licenses.

The online portal will serve Commercial Applicator businesses, Limited Commercial and Public Applicator registrations, and individual Qualified Supervisor, Certified Operator, and Private Applicator licensees.

The system requires all licensure documents, which are available for download during the online licensing process, to be uploaded or emailed at the time of the application or renewal. All electronic documents must be submitted in either a PDF or JPEG format.

Paper applications or renewals will no longer be accepted, however, exceptions can be requested in instances where applicators are unable to access the online system.

To make any request for paper applications or if you have questions concerning the licensing portals please email the section at: commercialapplicator@state.co.us or Contact the Program Coordinator at 303-869-9063.