The Animal Health Division's telephone system is experiencing trouble. If you are attempting to reach us, please call 303-869-9131 or leave a voicemail and your call will be returned.


OPS Resources

Online Permitting System (OPS)

OPS has replaced the After Hours Permitting Hotline

OPS - About

  • OPS is a web-based system that allows US practicing veterinarians to obtain livestock entry permits for moving livestock into Colorado and is available when needed. (Currently we will still need Veterinarians outside the United States to call the State Veterinarian's Office as foreign permits require additional processes.)
  • US Veterinarians will be required to register before they are able to access the site and create new livestock entry permits. Registration can be achieved on the OPS Website.


Link to the OPS Website

OPS Login and Registration Website


  1. When Importing into Colorado, remember to change the State for Consignor/Permit Source to your State.
  2. When searching, use * as a wild character(s), for ambiguous information or to allow for a broader search. For example: 305 Interlocken Parkway, can be searched as; 305*nterlock*p*
  3. If a searched address isn't listing, try both Search Premises and Search Origin or Destination before filing out all the fields. (New addresses will be added to the database.
  4. Remember to review the permit before sending, to catch any errors or typos. If you have submitted the permit and notice an error afterwards, you can call our office during our normal business hours.