What is it?
Food and agricultural processors and manufacturers have a new grant opportunity. CDA will have access to an allocation of $312,000 through the Governor's Office. Project funds are capped at $100,000, for any single award with projects to be completed by December 31, 2021.
Growth in Colorado’s food and agriculture value chain, especially relating to food processing and manufacturing, continues to be constrained by a lack of funding for business start-up and/or expansion. To mitigate this constraint, CDA will use available funds to make grants supporting the development and expansion of agricultural value-added projects.
Weaknesses in the U.S. food production and supply chain systems were revealed during the early days of the current pandemic and these grants will serve to strengthen local food systems, create greater resilience, and “move the needle” driving advancement within Colorado’s food and agriculture value chain.
Grants may be made to processors and manufacturers of Colorado agricultural products through a competitive application process administered by CDA’s Markets Division.

How to Apply?
The application window for 2021 is open from March 17th, 2021 to April 14th, 2021. Applicants who completed the online application will be notified whether or not their grants fund request will be awarded no later than June 1st, 2021 and projects will need to be completed by December 31, 2021
There will be no roll-over funds, the total amount of $312,000 will be awarded in completion for this application process. Again, funds are capped at $100,000 for each business applying. Businesses may not apply more than once.