The Animal Health Division's telephone system is experiencing trouble. If you are attempting to reach us, please call 303-869-9131 or leave a voicemail and your call will be returned.


Hay Resources

Colorado Hay Resources

Colorado Hay Directory
Request a hard copy of the Colorado Hay Directory, email or call (303) 869-9175.
Colorado Hay Directory Map
Colorado Hay Directory Listing Form (For Colorado Producers)
Weed Free Forage
USDA Hay Market News Report
Alfalfa U

New Listing

20627 Rd. 41
Sterling 80751
(970) 522-5030

Grass Hay, 1,600 lb., round/net wrap, call for amount left
Alfalfa 1,2,3, 1,600-1,700 lb., round/net wrap, call for amount left

Out of State Hay Resources

Montana Hay Hotline
Nebraska Hay & Forage Hotline
Texas Hay Hotline
Wyoming Hay and Forage Association

*These resources are provided as a service to hay producers and buyers. A listing on this website does not constitute an endorsement by the Colorado Department of Agriculture.