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Scale Companies

Before a company may repair, service or place in service commercially used scales, moisture meters, textile meters, or cordage meters in Colorado, they must be certified through the Department. Also, proof of certification of weights and standards is required, either from our laboratory or another state's metrology laboratory.

The Colorado Measurement Standards Act provides for the regulation of scale service companies. Of particular importance to service companies are Sections 105, 123 and 124. In general, weighing and measuring devices used commercially in Colorado must meet National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) Handbook 44 requirements.

Aaron Yanker
Program Administrator

Forms and Downloads

1. Application

  • Completely fill out a Device Service Provider Application for a weighing and measuring device service provider certificate.
  • The certificate fees are as follows:
    • One serviceperson = $25
    • Two servicepersons = $50
    • Six to ten servicepersons = $75
    • More than ten servicepersons = $100
    • This is an annual certificate.
  • Send completed forms and fee to:

Colorado Dept. of Agriculture
Inspection & Consumer Services
305 Interlocken Parkway
Broomfield, CO 80021

2. Certification Proof

  • Proof of certification of weights is required, either from our laboratory or another state's metrology laboratory. Certification must be renewed annually.
  • A certificate will be issued after receipt and approval by our office. At that time Placing-In-Service booklets will be sent to use when servicing commercial devices in Colorado.

3. List of Licensed Device Service Providers


Forms for Device Service Providers:

Device Service Provider Application

In-Service Report