Fertilizer Sampling and Analysis

Fertilizer Analysis Methods 8 CCR 1202-4 Part 6.2

The methods of analysis listed are used by the Colorado Department of Agriculture to analyze commercial fertilizer products. Please contact our office with any questions. For further information on the laboratory, please visit the Inspection & Consumer Services Biochemistry Laboratory web page.

Fertilizer Confirmatory Method List


AnalyteConfirmatory MethodModifications
Total Nitrogen (N)AOAC Official Method 993.13
Nitrogen (Total) in Fertilizers
Combustion Method
Soluble Potash (K2O)AOAC Official Method 983.02
Potassium in Fertilizers
Using flame emission spectroscopy in place
of flame photometry (improvements in
technology since the method was written in 1983)
Available Phosphate (P2O5)AOAC Official Method 960.03
Phosphorus (Available) in Fertilizers
Minor modifications to extraction for safety
Calcium (Ca)APAC Official Method 965.09
Nutrients (Minor) in Fertilizers
Atomic Absorption
Spectrophotometric Method
Extract - don't boil samples in straight acid
to dryness on the hotplate due to safety
Magnesium (Mg)AOAC Official Method 965.09
Nutrients (Minor) in Fertilizers
Atomic Absorption
Spectrophotometric Method
Extract - don't boil samples in straight acid
to dryness on the hotplate due to safety
Copper (Cu)AOAC Official Method 965.09 (a)
Nutrients (Minor) in Fertilizers
Atomic Absorption
Spectrophotometric Method
Extraction - final dilution in DI water in
place of HCL. Instrument - ICP, not AA
(improvement in technology since method
written in 1960)
Iron (Fe)AOAC Official Method 965.09 (a)
Nutrients (Minor) in Fertilizers
Atomic Absorption
Spectrophotometric Method
Extraction - final dilution in DI water in
place of HCL. Instrument - ICP, not AA
(improvement in technology since method
written in 1960)
Manganese (Mn)AOAC Official Method 965.09 (a)
Nutrients (Minor) in Fertilizers
Atomic Absorption
Spectrophotometric Method
Extraction - final dilution in DI water in
place of HCL. Instrument - ICP, not AA
(improvement in technology since method
written in 1960)
Zinc (Zn)AOAC Official Method 965.09 (a)
Nutrients (Minor) in Fertilizers
Atomic Absorption
Spectrophotometric Method
Extraction - final dilution in DI water in
place of HCL. Instrument - ICP, not AA
(improvement in technology since method
written in 1960)
Sulfur (S)AOAC Official Method 980.02
Sulfur in Fertilizers


Compost Analysis Methods 8 CCR 1202-4 Part 6.3

The methods of analysis listed are used by the Colorado Department of Agriculture to analyze commercial compost. Please contact our office with any questions. For further information on the laboratory, please visit the Biochemistry Laboratory web page.

Compost Confirmatory Method List


AnalyteConfirmatory MethodTMECC Equivalent
Salmonella sp.Salmonella - FDA BAM Chapter 5 MethodEquivalent to 2002 TMECC 07.02-A 1-2
Salmonella Detection Test
Fecal coliformE. coli - FDA BAM Chapter 4 MethodEquivalent to 2002 TMECC 07.01-A
Total Coliforms
CarbonLECO Organic Application (Carbon and
Nitrogen in Soil and Sediment)
Equivalent to 2002 TMECC 04.01-A
Combustion with CO2Detection
NitrogenLECO Organic Application (Carbon and
Nitrogen in Soil and Sediment)
Equivalent to 2002 TMECC 04.02-D
Total N By Oxidation
Ammonia &
Carbon Dioxide
2002 TMECC 05.08-E: Stability and
Maturity Test - SolvitaTM
TMECC 2002 05.08-E Solvita Maturity