Goats and Sheep Moving Within Colorado

  1. Negative Brucella ovis test required for all rams 6 months of age or older within 30 days prior to transfer of ownership, lease, or loan.
  2. Rams consigned to a livestock auction market must be tested for Brucella ovis within 30 days prior to sale if being sold for breeding purposes.
    1. Rams not tested prior to sale must:
      1. Be identified with an official Brucella ovis slaughter only ear tag or with a paint brand on the top of the back. This brand shall be a “Q” not less than 4 inches in height.
  3. All breeding sheep and goats regardless of age AND wethers over 18 months must be identified with official identification for purposes of transfer of ownership or for exhibition in Colorado. 
  4. Events, including exhibitions, rodeos, and sales, may have requirements for entry. Contact the event organizer.
  5. Scrapie Information Fact Sheet

Last Updated 5/24/24