Fallow Deer and Reindeer

Fallow Deer

  1. Fallow deer may only be imported to a facility licensed by either the Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) or Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW). 
  2. Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) issued by an accredited veterinarian within 30 days prior to entry
    1. Official identification must be listed individually on the CVI.
  3. Permit is required prior to entry by calling (303) 869-9130. 
  4. Identification required: 
    1. USDA official identification device (USDA silver “brite” tag or 840 RFID tag); AND
    2. A bangle or ranch tag to identify ownership.
  5. Tuberculosis: Animals must originate from either:
    1. A current TB Accredited herd, OR
    2. A current TB Qualified herd
      1. If the animals originate from a Qualified herd, the animals being imported must be TB tested and found negative within 90 days prior to entry.


  1. Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) issued by an accredited veterinarian within 30 days prior to entry.
    1. Official identification must be listed individually on the CVI.
  2. Permit is required prior to entry by calling (303) 869-9130.
  3. Identification required: 
    1. USDA official identification device (USDA silver “brite” tag or 840 RFID tag); AND
    2. A bangle or ranch tag to identify ownership.
  4. Tuberculosis: Animals must originate from either:
    1. A current TB Accredited herd, OR
    2. A current TB Qualified herd 
      1. If the animals originate from a Qualified herd, the animals being imported must be TB tested and found negative within 90 days prior to entry.

Last updated: 5/20/24