Colorado State Conservation Board Subcommittee Meeting Jul 2023

Colorado State Conservation Board meeting, image of Mount Garfield in the Grand Valley in the background with lavender fields in the foreground

The Colorado State Conservation Board Conservation District Capacity & Requirements Subcommittee will meet virtually July 25th at 10:00 AM.

The Colorado State Conservation Board is comprised of Conservation District representatives from Colorado’s 10 watersheds and provides guidance to the Department of Agriculture for:

  • Disbursing state grant funds and direct assistance to the Conservation Districts
  • Developing training tools for long and short term planning, budgeting, and laws pertaining to local governance
  • Performing as a board of appeals for landowners appealing Conservation District activities
  • Facilitating local conservation programs that improve soil health, water quality, water conservation, wildlife habitat, forest health, plant communities and energy conservation

For more information or to attend virtually, please contact nikki.brinson@state.co.us.

Date and time