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2025-02-15 00:08:04
2025-02-15 00:08:04
Agriculture Disaster Relief and Recovery Funding (Webinar)
This webinar will provide an overview for farmers, ranchers, and other ag producers of the state and federal funding programs that could be available when disasters strike our ag communities. Experts from the state and federal government will introduce these important programs and be available to answer questions. Agenda:Introduction(Colorado Dept. of Agriculture)Opening Comments(Special Guests / Commissioners)USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) Programs and USDA Disaster Designations(USDA Farm Service Agency Staff)Small Business Administration (SBA) Funding for Businesses that Support Agriculture(U.S. Small Business Administration)Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) Agricultural Emergency Drought Response Program(Colorado Department of Natural Resources) Presidential Disaster Declarations, ie: Large-scale Disasters, and FEMA Assistance(Colorado Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management (DHSEM) Recovery Section)Importance of Good Record Keeping for the UnexpectedColorado State University's Dr. Frank Garry, DVMClosingDiscussion and Q&A This webinar is free but you must register to receive the zoom link.Register for the webinar
Department of Agriculture
This webinar will provide an overview for farmers, ranchers, and other ag producers of the state and federal funding programs that could be available when disasters strike our ag communities. Experts from the state and federal government will introduce these important programs and be available to answer questions.
- Introduction
(Colorado Dept. of Agriculture) - Opening Comments
(Special Guests / Commissioners) - USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) Programs and USDA Disaster Designations
(USDA Farm Service Agency Staff) - Small Business Administration (SBA) Funding for Businesses that Support Agriculture
(U.S. Small Business Administration) - Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) Agricultural Emergency Drought Response Program
(Colorado Department of Natural Resources) - Presidential Disaster Declarations, ie: Large-scale Disasters, and FEMA Assistance
(Colorado Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management (DHSEM) Recovery Section) - Importance of Good Record Keeping for the Unexpected
Colorado State University's Dr. Frank Garry, DVM - Closing
- Discussion and Q&A
This webinar is free but you must register to receive the zoom link.