Soil Health Advisory Committee


The Soil Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) is appointed by the Commissioner to oversee the state soil health program. This committee is a critical part of Colorado’s efforts to help landowners build better soil and become more drought resilient. SHAC helps ensure that the Colorado Department of Agriculture is well-informed about the concerns and perspectives of a wide array of agricultural interests pertaining to the implementation of a soil health program.

Current Soil Health Committee Members

Margaret Lenz (Chair), Colorado State Conservation Board
Rob Jones, Organic Producer
Brad Buchanan, Dryland Producer
Shawn Bruckman, Expert in Soil Carbon Storage
Patrick O'Neill, Crop Consultant
Troy Schneider, Irrigated Producer
Brian Neufeld, Colorado State Conservation Board
Dale Parker, Colorado Association of Conservation Districts 
Nick Charchalis, Colorado Association of Conservation Districts 
Dave Gottenborg, Rancher
Regan Velasquez, Acequia Member
Roger Candelaria, Western Water User
Bradley Mortensen, Eastern Water User

Steve Blecker, CSU (ex officio)
Nora Flynn, CWCB (ex officio)
BJ Shoup, NRCS (ex officio)