Noxious Weeds

Grants Available to Combat Noxious Weeds in Colorado

Colorado Department of Agriculture’s Noxious Weed Program is accepting applications from local governing bodies and nonprofits for weed management grants that will help diminish or eradicate populations of state-listed noxious weeds in critical areas around Colorado. 

November CDA Virtual Public Forum

November CDA Public Forum

Join CDA staff, including Commissioner Greenberg and new Division Director of Animal Welfare and Colorado State Fair General Manager, and members of the Ag Commission for the latest news on CDA funding and programs. Question and answer session to follow.

Nominations Sought for Noxious Weed Advisory Committee Dec 2023

The Colorado Noxious Weed Advisory Committee, a critical link between the citizens of Colorado and the Colorado Department of Agriculture, is seeking nominations to fill three vacant positions representing the interests of a public or private weed scientist (1), a municipal government representative (1), and a county government representative (1).

Nominations Sought for Noxious Weed Advisory Committee Jan 2023


The Colorado Noxious Weed Advisory Committee, a critical link between the citizens of Colorado and the Colorado Department of Agriculture, is seeking nominations to fill six vacant positions representing the interests of agricultural producers (3), a private landowner (1), a county weed manager (1), and an at-large member (1).