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Active PACFA Facilities

The PACFA Active Facilities List is published in a Google Sheet format. The data in the spreadsheet is protected but can be filtered, sorted and/or downloaded. Please see the screenshots below for more information on how to filter, sort and/or download the PACFA Active Facilities List.

PACFA logo


Filter Guidelines:

1. Hover your cursor over the column letter you wish to filter. To the right of the letter of your

column, you will see a box with a down arrow appear. Click the small box.

Step 1

2. Click Sort Sheet and the Filter arrow will appear.


Step 2




Step 3

3. Click on the arrow and the Filter/Sort window will appear.

Step 4


4. Choose from the list you wish to view only and click the OK button. You may select multiple

choices at a time. Example: If you wish to view Adams and Alamosa Counties only, select both.

Sort Guidelines:

1. From the same Sort and Filter window you may sort columns by A-Z or Z-A. The A-Z and Z-A

values apply for numbers as well. ā€˜Aā€™ represents zero and ā€˜Zā€™ represents the highest number.

Example sorting Business Names Z-A


Pacfa step

Download Guidelines:

1. Click File and a drop menu will appear. Select the Download as option. A second window will

appear to the right and will list 6 download options. Example: click on the Microsoft Excel

option to download as an Excel spreadsheet version.



Step 4





Active PACFA Facilities list


Disclaimer: This list contains all currently licensed PACFA facilities. CDA-PACFA is not responsible for

any issues that may arise from the use of this data, including copies made from this data. If you have

questions about a license or for general questions please contact us at