Accredited Certifying Agent

The Colorado Department of Agriculture requires an employer conducting audits/inspections of farms and businesses that house egg-laying hens or produce, pack, store, and transport shell eggs and egg products for sale into the state, to seek a certificate of accreditation in order to certify farms and business as compliant with Colorado Cage-Free regulations.

An application must be filled out by an authorized person for the third-party certifying employer. 

  • Upon approval of the application, a Certificate of Accreditation will be emailed to the employer.
  • Click on the blue box to fill out the Accredited Certifying Agent Application.

Note: Starting in January of 2023, we will provide a list of approved agents/companies that have received their accreditation.

Accredited Agents

Business NameWebsite Address
Humane Farm Animal CareCertifiedHumane.org
American Humane AssociationAmericanHumane.org
Validus Verification Services Verified For United Egg ProducersValidusServices.com
FACTA LLCfactallc.com