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Yellow and hybrid toadflax

(Linaria vulgaris &Linaria vulgaris x L. dalmatica)

Yellow & hybrid toadflax is a perennial escaped ornamental plant that is native to the Mediterranean region. The leaves are narrow, linear, and 1 to 2 inches long. The stems are woody at the base and smooth toward the top. Sparingly branched and 1 to 3 feet tall. The showy snapdragon-like flowers are bright yellow with a deep orange center and have a spur as long as the entire flower. It develops an extensive root system, making control options varied. Yellow & hybrid toadflax displaces desirable plant communities reducing ecological diversity and rangeland value. Yellow toadflax decreases forage for domestic livestock and some big game species and decreases habitat for associated animal communities. The plant is known to be mildly poisonous to cattle. Goats and sheep have been known to graze the plants with little effect. Yellow toadflax crosses with Dalmatian toadflax and forms the hybrid toadflax.

Yellow toadflax fact sheet   

Yellow toadflax biocontrol


Yellow and Hybrid Toadflax_QQ Map