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High School FFA Students Spend a Day in the Soil

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In  the fall of 2023, the Centennial Conservation District and the USDA/Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) sponsored a Soil Pit Field Day for the Logan County FFA chapters. 

Students from Fleming, Merino, and Sterling were able to attend. The group met in soil pits in the field to discuss the importance of soils and learn about the impact soil science has on most agriculture careers. There were four stations for the students to participate in. Andy Steinert-MLRA Soil Scientist NRCS, dug two soils pits for students to observe. He discussed soil profiles and soil texture with the students.

Mary Ellen Cannon-NRCS Area 2 Soil Scientist and Anna Gaw-Wildlife Biologist with BCOR, discussed landscape position, soil taxonomy, and the process of soils mapping with the students. The students also textured and classified the soil types in each pit. 

After completing the soils classification, they had the opportunity to view the NRCS Soil Tunnel, which presented information about life in the soil and the importance of soil health. Brian Kailey, CSU Extension agent for Logan County, helped to facilitate this station. The fourth station focused on training the students in the process of soil texturing. This activity was led by Sherri Brandt-NRCS Soil Conservationist Julesburg.

FFA students at soil pitThroughout the day, members of the local ag industry came and presented the impact soils have on their professions. Industry presenters were Jason Webb-CHS, Craig Brownell and Rick Fleharty- Lower South Platte Water Conservancy District, and Brian Kailey- CSU Extension. The event was hosted by McKay Brothers and Wickham Tractor Company.

The Colorado Conservation Board staff support and collaborate with conservation districts to help host events such as the one described below. You can learn more about the CSCB at

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